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This Winter, your little ones together with our Experts will be creating a full festive season, leveraging the beauty of Nature and our Sustainable approach. We will guide each child to create their own meaningful festive gifts with natural resources and a strong connection to Nature by learning and spending a lot of time outside. 

Our activities are suitable for your children from 45 days to 5 years. With flexible attendance options, we can tailor made to your family’s festive schedule.

Our Camp will be running from 18th to 29th of December from 8 am to 6 pm across many of our locations. Kindly note, we will not run our Camp on December 25th.

Our Camp Activities

Exploring nature is crucial for the holistic development of young children.  When children connect with the natural world they embark on a journey of discovery and wonder, we enhance their natural curiosity. 

Together with our children, we will discover and learn essential concepts and skills that will serve their little life every day:

Little Scientists 

Let's discover the life cycle of the animals; how does composting work; how to identify plants and projects surrounding their medicinal and useful properties; how to identify animals, to do animal tracking; watershed mapping; let's observe different environments and their relationship to each other, what about the life cycle of animals on land and water.

Little Mathematicians

How does calculating measurements to build a shelter, or swing work; how do we count birds, ants, flowers, measure and compare the size of animal prints;  how to determine distance and direction on a map, to compute the time that it takes us to hike from one place to the next; how to identify geometric shapes in nature, how do we use our nature journals and rocks, sticks, or flowers to complete long division, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and size differentiation.

Little Eco-Warrior 

Let's read or listen to a book to discover more about a nature, make a list of materials needed to develop a project; how do we use pocket guides to identify local flora and fauna;  let's explore writing stories in our nature journals; reading and developing maps; writing letters to friends, let's become environmental advocates, positive role models, and individuals in leadership positions throughout our city;  We will write in the dirt, sand and mud; take note of our discoveries in nature and research to deepen our understanding of what we know so far; we will play dramatic, become storytellers, and make our own song and music!

Little Social tribe

Our children learn about themselves, their relationship to their peers and their immediate surroundings. These learnings expand to encompass their towns, their state, their country, and the world as a child grows developmentally in age. Children investigate the questions: Why do people live where they do? And build where they do? Let's do storytelling about the history of our locations and exploring them; dramatic play resembling a time in history based on our location; researching people and pioneers that relate to our project.

Little Sport adventurers 

Let's rock hopping; climb tree ; counterbalance through group games; leap across rocks; Our children become increasingly aware of their bodies in space as they manoeuvre through nature with their friends.

Little Artists 

Let's draw; paint; use clay modeling; collage; woodworking; create natural paints; sing; dance; create natural instruments and rhythm. 

The natural surroundings at our nurseries provide a sensory-rich environment where children can touch, see, hear, and smell the elements around them, stimulate their senses and fostering a deeper understanding of the world.

These early experiences in nature lay the foundation for cognitive development, as children observe and interact with their surroundings, honing their problem-solving and critical-thinking skills. This is key for every child to experience these important concepts through Nature during their early years to become more aware and make a positive impact on our today World. 

Why Nature is so key for Early Years and at the core of our approach?

Research has shown that exposure to nature during early childhood can enhance cognitive abilities, including attention span, memory, and creativity. Moreover, exploring nature promotes physical development in children. Outdoor activities like running, climbing, and playing in natural settings provide opportunities for gross motor skill development, coordination, and overall physical fitness.

In our nurseries, we make sure that children engage their bodies in active play, which not only benefits their physical health but also encourages them to explore their physical boundaries and capabilities. Nature is a limitless source of inspiration for children's creativity and imagination and the natural settings at Blossom Nurseries offer endless possibilities for imaginative play, storytelling, and artistic expression. Whether it's building forts out of sticks and leaves, creating nature-themed crafts, or pretending to be explorers or wildlife experts, children's imaginations are ignited by the wonders of the natural world. These creative endeavors enhance young children's cognitive abilities and nurture their self-expression, fostering a lifelong appreciation for nature and have a profound impact on their emotional and social development.

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