Toddler's Second Home

The toddler years are a time of great cognitive, emotional and social development. The word is derived from "to toddle" which means to walk unsteadily, like a child of this age, at Blossom our environment is created for just that. Along with academic assistance we want your child to be an active agent in their learning process, allowing them to explore and discover all their developmental milestones, assisted with a team of experts to not only encourage but also guide your little ones.

Child-Led Learning

Take A Peek Into Our Nursery

Water Splash Area

A fun way to release energy and cool down that also offers multiple learning opportunities.

Soil Pit

Sensory and motor skills stimulation, plus a connection with nature and our earth.

Picnic Tables

An area where our children can interact and socialize with each other in a relaxed fun setting, helping them to develop, explore, and grow their social and emotional skills.

Sensory Pathways

These allow our children to embark on a great sensory adventure with our sensory mats packed with a multitude of textures and experiences that allow them to experience different sensations.

Indoor Gym

Designed to maximize your littles one's physical development, during  all seasons in the UAE.


Built with purpose and insight, our classrooms are designed for optimal child learning and development. Natural light enters each classroom, with purpose built furniture and tools to stimulate learning activities and various types of interaction.

Potty Training

As a nursery, we believe that every milestone is a special one. Our educators take every opportunity to interact with your child and build a bond. We are an extension of your home and assist you in potty training by understanding where your child is at in their development journey, and advising according to the stage of their development. 
With collaboration from you we assist by having the right tools (purpose built potties and bathroom areas) and by making this experience a fun and interactive time for the little ones, e.g. story telling on the potty, positively reinforcing this behaviour, and teaching your little one how to express this need.

Your Child's Education Experts

Our International Staff Have Decades Of Experience In Early Years Education, With Qualifications Such As Cache Level 2, 3, 4, And 5

Our Littlelives App

Stay updated on your child's progress and wellbeing.
  • Transparent Communication The LittleLives app lets you stay up-to-date on your child's progress and wellbeing by having instant access to your child's profile.
  • Be Part Of Your Child's Learning Journey See what your child is learning and how they're developing in our nursery.
  • Daily Updates Receive daily updates from your child's teachers to know how their day was, what activities they participated in, their feeding & sleeping patterns, and more.
  • Parents Can Interact With Us Too Use the LittleLives app to communicate and engage with our educators and the wider nursery staff.


We provide you family solutions that cover the full spectrum, from early drop off to hot meals for your little one. We also offer you extracurricular activities for afternoon fun and interaction, this helps your child unwind and let lose from the first part of their day.

Book a Tour Today

Get in touch with us to book a tour at one of our nurseries, or to enquire.