Protection of the planet: Babilou nurseries are continuing their ecological revolution!

  • Environmentally Friendly

In 2019, Babilou continued its commitments in favor of a more sustainable world . Since all our nurseries in France use 100% green soaps and cleaning products and offer 100% organic mashed potatoes .

Today, the Babilou group goes even further and continues its ecological revolution by engaging in the hunt for plastic  ! Find out about our measures in favor of a more responsible world.  

Babilou starts the hunt for plastic 

In France, 4.8 million tonnes of plastic are produced per year, or 70 kg per inhabitant. In order to fight against excessive plastic consumption and limit plastic waste , Babilou has started to hunt for plastic in all of its nurseries .

All our establishments are equipped with polypropylene trays certified without endocrine disruptors and without dyes. All our trays are recycled, which allows us to reduce our CO2 emissions by 360 tonnes per year.

Spoon, plate, glass… All children's tableware is gradually going “  plastic-free  ”! Thanks to this change, Babilou demonstrates even more of its green approach and saves 2.4 tonnes of plastic waste per year.

In order to carry out our commitments in favor of a more sustainable world , some of our nurseries have an educational project around nature and practice recycling, the recovery of objects and toys while showing a good example to toddlers.

In addition, all our diapers will be eco - labeled by 2022. The goal? Limit our waste production even more and educate children about protecting the planet, from an early age!



Babilou continues its green revolution through numerous initiatives

Each year, the French buy 3.5 billion disposable diapers per year. In order to limit household waste , we are teaming up with Les Celluloses de Brocéliande and Les Alchimistes by creating the first compostable layer  ! Tested in one of our structures, this layer limits the consequent production of waste.

Very committed to protecting the planet, Babilou continues to take actions in favor of a more sustainable world. To educate young and old about respect for nature and the protection of the seabed, Babilou is orchestrating a waste collection operation on the Prado beaches in Marseille with Pure Ocean .

Along with 149 other companies, Babilou is participating in the Business Convention for the Climate to accelerate its ecological transition and that of the entire French economy.

Finally, Babilou was rewarded by winning the ECOVADIS 2020 Bronze medal  and aims for the gold medal by 2027!

Created in 2007, EcoVadis is a rating organization for sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) . More than 75,000 companies are assessed on their CSR performance .

And we're not going to stop there ... Stay tuned and follow Babilou's green revolution!

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